JHE Policy_Student Dismissal Precautions

Code: JHE


A teacher will not permit a pupil to leave school during the school day in the custody of a person other than the child's parent or guardian unless the person has the authorization of one of the parents or guardians. In all situations the teacher shall notify the office of the principal prior to release. The Principal shall verify the authorization if he/she believes it is necessary.

Pupils will not be sent on errands off the school grounds except where the activity is related to the course or school activity being pursued by the pupil.

School officials will presume that each parent has equal authority to exercise rights of visitation removal of the child from school, the right to inspect and review educational records and all other rights and privileges extended to parents. School officials will conform to court orders governing divorce, separation, custody and other legally binding instruments which modify the natural rights of a parent.

Requests from parents asking the school to restrict visiting privileges and restrict disclosure of student records will not be honored unless accompanied by a court order or other legal binding document which corroborates the request.

When a student who is excused prior to the end of the school day, effort will be made to contact the parent either directly if individual student, or through the media if the entire school is to be released early.

Additional precautions will be taken by the building Principal as needs arise to assure that children are released only for the proper reasons and into the proper hands.

Students may not leave the building while school is in session without a permit from the office.

(Adoption date 11/19/80)

(Amended date 5/17/90)

(Amended:  3/21/17)