BEDG Minutes

Code:  BEDG


 The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees constitute the written record of all proceedings of the Board.  Therefore, the minutes shall include:

 1.        The nature of the meeting, whether regular or special; time and place; members present; approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting or meetings;

 2.        A record of all actions taken by the Board; the motion, the name of the member making the motion and seconding it and the record of the vote;

 3.        Lengthy discussion may be summarized and long documents will be attached by reference when necessary;

 4.        A record of all business that comes before the Board through reports of the superintendent and others, and through communications from staff and the public;

 5.        The names of all persons who speak before the Board and the topic of their remarks;

 6.        A record that an executive session was held and why it was held;

7.        A record of adjournment.

 The minutes shall be signed by the clerk, and following their approval, the official copy shall also be signed by the chairman of the Board of Trustees.

 The minutes shall be in the custody of the board secretary who shall make them available to the public upon request during normal office hours.

 Copies of the unapproved minutes will be made available to board members with their agenda for the next regularly scheduled board meeting via BoardDocs or mailed upon request.

 Adoption Date: 6/19/14