YEAR OF FAITH – Coming to the end of the Year of Faith

Post date: Oct 25, 2013 12:39:31 PM

In YouTube video number thirteen (the last one) Bishop Malcolm tells us that human beings have a natural desire to pray: to reach out beyond themselves and their world to something greater.  As Christians we follow Jesus’ example and pray as he prayed, sometimes by withdrawing and praying silently, at other times praying out loud with others and, as “the source and summit of our Christian life,” we celebrate the Holy Eucharist together on Sundays and other occasions.

Listening to the word of God and receiving his body and blood in Holy Communion gives us the nourishment and strength to “Go in peace, glorifying God by our lives.” This means that we take Christ from our place of worship to our everyday lives; and we also find Christ in our encounters with other people.

Being a Christian means dedicating each day to God and living our whole life as a prayer; but if we stumble, or fall, there is no need to be discouraged because we know that we are children of a loving God who constantly forgives and opens his arms to us.  We are the adopted brothers and sisters of Jesus and look forward to the day when we share his life forever; and we are never alone because he has given us the gift of his Holy Spirit to be with us at all times to guide us, comfort us and encourage us.

There will be a discussion about Prayer, using Bishop Malcolm’s short video, on Saturday 2nd November in the hall after 10am Mass.