Post date: Aug 17, 2018 1:04:19 PM

Fr Vincent has returned to us from Uganda and will be staying in the parish from the 16th - 26th August

while Fr Matthew takes a well deserved break.  He will be speaking to the parish on the 18/19th August about his

development projects in Uganda.  We will have a second collection for these projects after all

Sunday Masses the following weekend.

Message from Fr Matthew

I have known Fr Vincent for fifteen years, since I became a priest.  He has been coming to the Nottingham Diocese each summer for over twenty years to supply for the priests and give them the opportunity to have a well-deserved summer holiday.  In each parish he stays he usually makes an appeal.  I know that money doesn’t grow on trees and that many of you have money worries of your own, so I am sorry once again to be asking.  However spare a thought for the people of Uganda who frequently do not have the basic things we take for granted such as a home, clean water and sufficient food.  Any money that you can spare will go to help some of the world’s poorest people.  The advantage of giving to Fr Vincent is that you are not financing a large charitable administration.  Any money goes straight to those in need.  Fr Vincent’s

accounts are completed and audited in Nottingham so you can be sure that every penny goes to the poor.  Furthermore groups from the Diocese who have visited Fr Vincent in Uganda have come back full of praise for what he is achieving.  He has just moved parishes this year, but continues his work of looking after orphans and sinking wells to provide a clean reliable water source for the local people of his parish.  Fr Matthew.



Fr Vincent extends his heartfelt thanks for you donations toward his parish in Uganda for which £760.91 was raised. 

He would also like to thank everyone for making him so welcome during his recent stay at St Hugh’s,

and he hopes to see you again next year.