Retired Priests Appeal

Post date: Jul 5, 2013 2:18:26 PM

Since this appeal started in March this year, the total amount given by St Hugh's is £22,567.80. This is a magnificent response so far and shows how much our priests mean to us.  There will be further fundraising events. 

A very big thank-you to everyone who has already given to this Appeal in any way.


If you have any questions or ideas for future fundraising please contact one of the team:  Mary Beckenham, Mike Brett, Catherine Croot, Nicky Hughes, Stephen Land, Lorcan O'Melia, and Patrene Webb.

Pie, Peas and Pudding Fundraiser - Saturday, 17th August 

They’re at it again!  Another great night to be had by all - tickets on sale from Sunday, 14th July.  All profits will go to the Retired Priests Fund.  More details next week.