Post date: Feb 2, 2018 2:19:07 PM

 “The Eucharist is the heart and centre of our lives” 

Mondays 19th Feb, 26th Feb, 5th March and 12th March, from 7.15 to 8.45pm  

The Lent course, this year, involves a new film: “Exploring the Mass” which will be shown over two evenings, plus two talks by Fr Matthew about the Eucharist.


In the film Cardinal Vincent Nichols goes through the Mass, step by step, and discusses what is happening. 

Fr Matthew will talk about the Eucharist and how we, as a parish, can prepare ourselves for the forthcoming Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool (7th-9th September 2018).

The course is FREE but we wil be having a simple supper of jacket potato and choice of fillings, plus tea/coffee beforehand, starting at 6.15pm. 

You must order your meal before the day: £3 per session, £10 for all four meals.