Language Arts:
Social Studies:
The English program will stress proper grammar development and writing skills. Over the course of the year you will be writing responses to literature, personal and fictional narratives, persuasive essays, letters, journal writings, etc. We follow the grid method, so much of the work is completed in the classroom, but homework may need to be assigned for deadline purposes.
we will continue to split reading time between literature (including stories, dramas, and poetry) and nonfiction works of history, social studies, science, and even some technical texts (think maps and charts!) This will help them to take a big step forward in understanding fiction and nonfiction by identifying — and explaining — how different kinds of texts are structured. We will also be covering first hand and second hand accounts and retelling as well as sharpen our presenting skills!!
In fourth grade it is required that everyone get 8 AR points- so they should be reading every night!
The focus in fourth grade is on OHIO!!! Fourth-graders also start to learn the basics of democracy — starting with local, state, and national governments — as they explore the rationale for rules and laws. Fourth-graders are introduced to early U.S. history, building the basis for more in-depth study in future grades. We will also be covering the foundations of economics. Social Studies is always a fun class where we will be learning lots of new ideas.
Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at or by phone 419-943-2165 Ext. 4207