I am Shara Salih Ali,  Director of Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance (Presidency of Sulaimania polytechnic University) and Lecturer at Food Science and QC Dept. in Bakrajo Technical Institute/Sulaimani Polytechnic University SPU. Teaching is my life's passion, and I have been instructing undergraduate students for 12 years. This is my first year working at Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU) presidency as a Director of Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance and I've previously worked at Bakrajo Technical Inst., as a head of Food Science and Quality control Department. My years of experience as a lecturer have shaped a teaching philosophy that guides how I help my students succeed in the classroom and beyond. I truly believe that their success begins with making them comfortable in the classroom, so I start our semester with plenty of activities so everyone can get to know one another. I encourage them to share their questions and opinions in an unbiased and open environment. I strive to create a space for students to explore their own learning styles, then I'm there to help develop their interests and guide their absorption of the material. Apart from teaching I am researcher and I enjoy my work as an applied researcher, where I do researches on my major which is agriculture. However, I have been increasingly wondering to what extent existing Organic Farming processes Reduces Greenhouse Gases because fossil fuel-based fertilizers and most synthetic pesticides are prohibited in organic farming, it has a significantly lower carbon footprint.

I am Lecturer  with  M.Sc. Degree in (Crop Production and Physiology) - 2015 at University of   Putra Malaysia

Publications: I have (5) Published Articles and a Conference Poster

You can reach me at :

Director of Curriculum Development and Quality assurance 

Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU) presidency, Bakrajo Technical inst.

Email : shara.ali@spu.edu.iq

My Research Interests:


OrCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-6091-1186

  Shara Salih Ali


 Director of Curriculum Development and Quality Assurance (Presidency of Sulaimania polytechnic University) 

Bakrajo Technical Institute

Dept. of Food Science and QC.