Vocab # 8

Unit 8 Vocabulary Definitions

•1. Attire – apparel, clothing

•2. Avail – to be of use or benefit to, to take advantage of,

•3. Crony – very close friend, pal, buddy

•4. Enmity – hated, ill – will

•5. Gaunt - thin and bony, starved looking

•6. Infiltrate – to pass through or gain entrance to gradually, slip into, creep into

•7. Nullify – invalidate, cancel, wipe out

•8. Plummet – take a nose dive

•9. Proclaim - announce

•10. Proxy – written permission allowing one person to act in another’s place


1. The attire the boy wore consisted of jeans, a jacket, and shirts.

2. The teacher told us to avail the study guide because it would help us pass the test.

3. Jessica is my crony. We are so close as friends that we are like sisters.

4. The enmity that I have for the teacher is because she called me fat and embarrassed me in front of the whole class.

5. The boy looked very gaunt when he took off his shirt because you could see his ribs and his heartbeat.

6. The army had infiltrated the country at night when everyone was asleep. The other soldiers were surprised by the attack.

7. I was able to nullify the contract for my car and not have it go against my credit because the car broke down as soon as I left the car lot.

8. The stock market plummeted when hundreds of people lost thousands of dollars because Google dropped 300 points in one hour.

9. I proclaimed my love for James when I told everyone over the announcements at Twin Creeks Middle School.

10. I had to give my test, but I was sick. I wrote a note to the school allowing my mother to be a proxy for me so my student’s could get their test on time.