Welcome to Mrs. Frank's Physical Education Page!

Remote Learning Physical education


In the event of a snow day, please check my website and complete two activities that interest you. Have FUN!

5th and 6th grade on-line learners! You can check in on this site as much as you would like for a resource! Stay active as much as possible. You are only required to complete two activities per week for class. Please reach out if you need anything and have fun. I will update the page often as I find resources that will help keep you active with limited equipment! Stay Well, miss you already!

I value physical activity and all the benefits attached to it. With that being said I will try to provide multiple activities that involve limited equipment for at home learners!

Elementary at home learners, read below!



I will also be available to answer any questions, comments, or concerns from 12:30-1:10. Any type of picture, video, or document to show that you completed an activity will be sufficient. Please have fun and enjoy the activities provided.

Mail to mfrank@southrange.org

I wanted to thank you all for your dedication to p.e. I hope you all had some fun with the activities while also working up a sweat. Physical education is very important to me and I believe it essential in life. Your physical and mental health depend on activity! Keep up the good work this summer. Remember to use the resources found on this page for your benefit. Below is a fun activity that involves the game Guess Who, one of my favorites. Have fun!

Guess Who

Have Fun!

FItness with frank

Bottle Flip Tic Tac Toe

Below... All you need to play this game is another person, ball, and two cones. The cones can be any type of mark, even two peanut butter jars could work. I have attached the directions below. Let me know if you are able to see them clearly. Thank you to everyone who has e-mailed to keep me up to date with all the fun activities you have completed. Keep up the good work!

Soccer croquet!

Have Fun!

I discovered a very fun scavenger hunt that will challenge you to find different items around your own home. You will see the items on the screen then briskly walk to find each item as fast as you can. What was your fastest time? Was there any items that you could not find or didn't have?

Enjoy! 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️

Scavenger Hunt!

First activity is Follow the leader dance. This is a fast paced follow the leader game that actually teaches rhythm and dance while also working up a sweat! I have trouble with rhythm so this activity was very good for me!

My kids love the game BOP IT!~ It is a listen-respond game, I am attaching a physically active version of BOP IT. You have to perform activities such as skip it, run it, jump it, etc. Be honest can you get through the whole video without missing a beat? Start over at the beginning if you perform the wrong action! How far can you get?

Have Fun

Bop it

I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break! I enjoyed every second of sunshine that we had, I hope you did too! Below you will find one of my favorite activities! Spot the difference with a twist. You will be shown a series of pictures with a total of three differences. Can you spot them all? If so you will give yourself three points. The next slide will be exercises that you can complete based on the number of points you receive each round! Good Luck and have fun. Let me know what fun things you did over break! I got to golf and had a lot of fun!

Spot the difference!

Have Fun! How many did you spot?

I hope you had an amazing week and enjoyed some of the wonderful weather we had. Did you run or start the couch to 5k program? We had a very successful week running the mile. The fastest time was 6:11, Harley Booms in 3rd grade was the leader! Simply awesome. We officially completed the third nine weeks of school, thank you to all of you who continually send in completed activities! Spring break is right around the corner. Next Friday we will be off so this will be the last post until after break! ENJOY! This week I am linking a class favorite that you can do in any room of your house. Four corners, Easter edition.

four Corners!

How many points can you score?

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you had an amazing week! The weather for the next couple of days looks so awesome. Make sure to get outside and get some fresh air. In person learners will be completing the mile with in the next couple of weeks, weather depending. I am including a running program for you to start. Running is so good for the body and mind. Some students naturally love running and some do not. Usually those who do not enjoy running have low endurance. Do you know what endurance is?

You need to practice running just like any other skill. The more you practice, the easier running gets and the longer you can go with out getting out of breath!

When you run, your brain releases chemicals that naturally get you into a good mood!

Check out couch to 5K. This program really works and makes running enjoyable!


Have a fantastic week, enjoy the sunshine!!

HAPPY FRIDAY! The SUN is out and shining it is a beautiful day! I am linking a happy song that my kids and I dance to below! Enjoy. Your activity for this week is to play outside! Enjoy every day and get some fresh air. HAVE FUN!

My in-person learners and I received Lacrosse equipment. We have enjoyed learning all about the sport as it is new to me also. To stay up to date I would appreciate if you would click the link below and explore the rules of Lacrosse. When we can be together again, it will help to be on the same page!





HAPPY FIRST FRIDAY IN MARCH! I am so hoping to get some more sunshine and get outside in the near future! Some of you were having trouble opening up the March Activity document. Sorry! Follow this link instead of the calendar, https://darebee.com/programs/30-days-of-yoga.html?showall=&start=1. This link will provide you with a 30 day yoga challenge!

My kids and I tried the activity Spider Web at our house, they had such a good time and worked on throwing skills. All you need for the activity is newspaper and painters tape/masking tape! Pick a door in your house and stick long strips of tape from one side to the other. Over lap the tape so it looks like a giant spider web. Roll up newspapers (FLIES), and throw them at the web. Remember our critical elements of throwing, Point-Step-Throw. Throw with the same hand that your write with and step with the opposite foot! Have fun with this one and let me know how many newspapers you got to stick to the web! Ask an adult if the tape is o.k. to stick to the door before you do the activity!


Happy Friday! This is the first full week we have completed in a while! I hope it was a fantastic week for you! I am including an activity calendar for the month of March! Challenge yourself to complete the activities if you are looking to get active each day! This week I am inserting a really fun Rock, Paper, Scissors fitness video provided on YouTube! I think you will have fun with this video and also complete a great work out! Have a super weekend!


Have fun!

I hope you all had a safe and healthy Presidents Day weekend! For next week I am including an easy board game called the Color Dash Game. This game will get you moving while also giving motivation to move! What does the winner receive at your house? I will attach the game board below. Challenge the whole family to play this active board game!

Objective: Players DASH around the board collecting as many points as possible by completing exercises.

Equipment: You will need The COLOR DASH game board, 1 dice, 1 game piece per player (create your own), 1 water bottle per player, and a pad and pencil to keep score.

ColoR Dash

Grab dice and a family member and have fun!

HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you all got a chance to go out and play in the awesome snow delivered on Monday! My family and I made a 4 person snow igloo and went sled riding! It was so fun. Before the end of the year and while it is still cold and snowy out, I wanted to circle back to the MINUTE TO WIN it unit my family and I created. Visit my Youtube channel linked below to enjoy some of the MINUTE TO WIN IT challenges we completed. Can you come up with any of your own challenges? Have fun and have a fantastic weekend. Miss you all!

Minute to Win it!

Be sure to click on the link to my YouTube home page for more MTWI challenges! Have fun!

I am attaching a really fun youtube link to the classic game THE FLOOR IS LAVA. Use (safely) items in your home to lay out and when the song says THE FLOOR IS LAVA, get off the floor and onto safety! Be creative and try this game in different rooms! Everyone can join in on the fun!

Flashlight Scavenger Hunt! Try this one at night or in a dark room! Have someone hide a list of items and try to see how fast you can find them in the dark using just a flashlight! Set a timer and see what your fastest time is. You could also set a time limit to see how many items you can find on the list. How many of your senses did you find useful in this game?

The Floor is Lava

Stay Cool!

The Daily Dare always gets me off to a good start! This week you are going to pretend you are me! Create a game, then share it! Make sure you have everything that is required to make a fun, safe, and active game for physical education. This can be harder than you think. If you have too much trouble coming up with your own game, include your favorite game that we play in class. HAVE FUN!

I also linked Fitness Deck in the announcement section if you would like to complete that or any other activity for the week! Thanks

How did you do with the DAILY DARE! Keep it going this week. Challenge yourself! Below are two really fun dances! Pick one of the two songs and try to master the dance! Dance is such a fun way to disguise a work out. Get moving and have fun!

Kidz Bop Shuffle


CHA cha slide

Follow along and have fun!

I am posting a website below that I am challenging you to click on daily. It is only a challenge not a requirement! New year, New You. Let us get into great shape by completing a daily dare. The challenge will be different every day! Can you stick with it? I know I am going to try my hardest! Good Luck!

Daily Dare ChallengE


DANCE PARTY!!! You get to be the D.J! Create a playlist of approximately eight school appropriate songs and dance your work out. Eight songs equals about 30 minute of physical activity. The songs you pick for this lesson should be upbeat and have a fast paced tempo. There was many times in class so many of you requested songs to play, here is your chance to share with me. Send me your playlist that you create and I promise to listen! I love music and dance!

Jump Rope. So many great physical and mental benefits that go along with jumping rope! If you do not have one at home I am providing a DIY jump rope video. All you need are grocery bags! How COOL! I will also link a video of different jump rope activities. Do not get frustrated. Keep practicing and start off slow. This is a hard skill to master. I know you can do it if you stick to it. One rule of thumb for the perfect jump rope length- lay the jump rope down and step on the middle, pull straight up on the ends of the rope. They should end right at your under arms!

Jump Rope DIY

Beginner Jump Rope!

elves on the run

Help!! We need to find the missing presents!

MERrrrry Christmas!!!!!

Click the link for an awesome freeze dance/yoga activity!

NAME THAT GAME. This activity was fun for me as I have played most of the old video games in the video! Throughout the clip, you will see an old video game, based on what you see try to figure out the name of the game. Follow along with the exercise of the name you picked! How many did you get correct? Have Fun!

NAMe that game

How many can you name?

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE! This game is a fitness based game. Two pictures will pop up at the same time, some items will be different, can you spot them? Depending on how many differences you find will determine what exercise you must complete! Have Fun!!

Spot the difference fitness!

Below you will find two new fun activities to complete. No equipment necessary. I hope that you get some good laughs from This or That! Some of those animal videos had me cracking up. Do you have any pets? Have a great weekend! Enjoy every second!

Deal or No Deal Fitness!

Have Fun!!

This or That Fitness

Which video makes you laugh the most? Do the exercise that goes along with the choice you picked!

So for this activity, find a quiet space and really give yourself a chance to relax and think about all the amazing people, places, and things you are thankful for this year! Some things I am thankful for is faith, family, friends, my amazing job, my house, Laughter, all of my students (past-present-future), and MUSIC! Have fun!

Can you Complete the TURkey race?

Check out this amazing GO NOODLE! This one is my daughter Alivia's favorite! Have Fun!

LEAF WALK! Take some time to get outside and enjoy this beautiful fall weather and complete the directions on the leaf walk link below


SLAM BALL!! Click the link below for a fun game that involves limited equipment. This game only requires two players, a ball that is oft but bounces and a hoop. If you do not have a hoop, draw a circle on the ground! Have Fun!


Click on this link to track your ACTIVE HOME learning.


This is a great tool to make sure you are being active for at least 60 minutes a day!

Fitness Race! Try out this game with a simple roll of a dice! See who gets to the finish line first while getting fit along the way!

Locate the clean up timer in the announcements section of this page. Set the timer for 2 minutes in each room of the house and see how fast you can clean that room! Challenge another family member in the house to clean up another room! Put items back where they are supposed to go! Helping out and getting fit! Have fun.

Directions for FITNESS CHARADES is listed in the announcements section! Have fun!!

PAC-MAN song below! You should remember this game from last year. Depending on how many people are playing will depend on how many ghosts (taggers) in the game. If it is just two people, make one person the tagger and one pac-man. Use sidewalk chalk or just go around rooms in your home around furniture. You could even go as far as to make your own Pac-Man maze! Remember that if you are tagged you must sit down, you are now a road block! You have to walk so that you will not run into anything. E-mail me if you need more directions! HaVe FuN!

Here is a really good resource. Click the link below.


You can choose how many minutes you want your work out to be. Follow along and get fit in the amount of time you have available!

You can choose a playlist through the site to help get you motivated! You know how much I love music! Hope you like it!

Check back through the week next week for some more challenges! I hope every one enjoys the weekend!!

The only equipment you will need is a pair of socks and a laundry basket! The challenges that will be presented can be set up to be a bit easier for younger students or farther apart for my older kids! Have fun and keep moving!

- Sock and laundry basket challenge: Set up a laundry basket, or several if you choose. Take different socks and roll them into sock balls. Depending on the age of the learner, choose appropriate distance. Set up a line that you can stand behind. Challenge yourself to see how many sock balls you can throw into the laundry basket.

If you have more than one laundry basket, you can set up a type of Skee Ball challenge. Put the laundry baskets in a line and designate each one a different point value! What is the highest score you get!


- Cool down video. Follow along and take some alone time, mental health is so important!


  • Challenge one: KEEP IT UP. How many times in a row can you hit the balloon before it hits the ground?

  • Challenge two: WADDLE RACE. Put the balloon in-between your knees, race to a spot in your yard. Race another family member or a timer.

  • Challenge three: BALLOON TENNIS: Use a striking object like a tennis racket or paper plates. Play tennis with another family member or see how many times you can keep it up with the striking object of your choice.

  • Keep track of your record numbers. Try to beat your highest number! Send me your best!


No equipment needed!! WARNING! This is tough work out if you choose to do it! If you really want to push yourself and get in shape with no equipment this is a GREAT CIRCUIT!

I am sharing a link to Family fitness Uno! The video will give each card color a specific exercise to complete. Some of the exercises will be challenging. Your family can choose the number of exercises you must do when each card is pulled. Younger students may want to start with 5 repetitions, while older students should stick with 10-15! Challenge yourself to have fun while getting strong mentally and physically. When you start to sweat or feel the burn....keep going! Push yourself to be the BEST VERSION of YOURSELF. You are all amazing in your own way! Have fun and enjoy the sunshine this week. Soak it up! Love and miss you all!

I will be updating this page when I have time with fun resources. Do them if you want to get in shape while having fun!

I hope you all have an AMAZING weekend and will continue to soak up this beautiful gift of sunshine the next couple of days!

For next week please complete the assignment below! Have fun! I will continue to post activities that could be useful for at home learners... My goal is to give you tools to use to benefit your health and well being.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt: https://cdn.handsonaswegrow.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/nature-scavenger-hunt.pdf

Copy and paste URL for a fun outdoor scavenger hunt!

Get some fresh air while also exploring nature! If you want to challenge yourself you can put a timer on the scavenger hunt to see how long it takes you to find all the items on the list!

After answering e-mails and posting a lesson, I am out of time. I will find time to add more activities throughout the next week if you are looking to get moving!

Check back next week if you get bored or just need to get moving.


Go to https://darebee.com/ This website is filled with fun work outs and activities to keep you moving. I challenge you to do the Daily Dare that you will find on their home page! Can you complete it?

Follow the link below for a great work out!

Level 1 for elementary school

Level 2 for middle school



- Fitness BINGO! Fitness Bingo is a great way to be positive and keep moving. All you need is a minimum of two players. You could do this over a phone call with a friend! You will need to start the video at the same time. On your Bingo card list three rows of three the following: push-ups, trunk twists, bicep curls, star jumps, crunches, skiers, jogging, squat thrusts, and knee touches. The video below will show what your Bingo card should look like. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE WORDS IN A RANDOM ORDER EACH TIME YOU PLAY. The first player to match three in a row wins.

- FITNESS BINGO link is above.

How to do back extensions

Day 2 Abs of Steel

How to do a Plank Crunch

Day 2 Abs of Steel

Bucket HEad

Hot Shot