Our Policies

Our full and up to date policies are available in the setting upon request and are made available to any parent or guardian visiting or attending our setting.

Parent partnership

We will always try and meet your requests wherever possible for care of your child. you will be regularly informed about your child’s activities/progress through the app that we use BabyDays and in person via our staff. All parents will be given sign in information to access our online portals where you can see daily updates on your child along with photos from their time with us here at Smiley Happy Monkeys.

Collection and Drop offs

Dropping off

Drop off times will be discussed upon signing of contracts, if you arrive earlier than your expected time then we may not be prepared to care for your child yet, or if arriving after the drop off time we may be doing school drop offs, it is important to stick to your contracted times or make us aware of any change so that we can be up to date and ready to care for your children.


We have a video doorbell where we will be able to see who is collecting and let them on site from there. making sure that all children in the setting are safe and secure with us at all times.

Please collect your child on time; we know sometimes delays are unavoidable so please contact us to keep us informed of any delays so any additional requirements, like a meal, can be met. We will only release children to other parents or guardians when arrangements have been put in place before hand. In the event of an emergency and you need to send an unauthorised adult, we operate a photo-password system where you will send us over a picture of the person collecting your child and give a password to them so that they can confirm who they are when they come to collect the child - you can ring or message us to inform us of the password. The child will then be allowed to leave with the adult when we can confirm both the picture and the password.


Child Protection

Our first responsibility and priority is towards the children in our care. If we have any cause for concern we will report it, following the local safeguarding children board procedures in England. Please remember this is a summed up version. If you would like to see the policy it in its entirety please ask us.

Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking

We have a strict policy of no smoking, drugs or alcohol of any kind permitted on site.


All information we hold on your family and the children is kept securely and will only be shared with other professionals with your consent, except where there appears to be a child protection issue. You have the right to inspect all records about your child at any time.

Uncollected and missing children

Uncollected children

We will give you half an hour to arrive, if there is no contact from you in that time we will contact the emergency number that you provide us with. Following that if we still do not hear anything within an hour and a half then we will get in contact with the local authority social care worker.

Lost or Missing Children

If a child goes missing the police will be immediately contacted and we will thoroughly search the area. We will also contact you as soon as possible and inform Ofsted about the incident and what has happened.


All medication will require permission from a parent or guardian, this must be written. If we believe that your child may require calpol while in our care we will notify you before doing so, if your child requires a second dose while in our care the we will request that they be collected as soon as possible.

All medicines must come in there original containers with the manufacturers guidelines on as well as details from the Doctor/pharmacy if it is a prescription. We will not administer medication unless it is signed for and in the correct packaging, with a doctors label to state it is for the use of the child only (unless its from over the counter)

We are happy to give non-prescribed medication e.g. cough mixture, Calpol, nurofen etc.

If your child has a self help medication (i.e inhaler, insulin, etc.) we ask that you obtain an additional one for us to keep. (Children easily forget or lose them!)

Accidents and Emergencies

Accidents and Emergencies

It is our absolute priority to keep the children safe while they are in our care. If there is an accident that is not serious we will fill in an online form to state what has happened, when and where it has happened, and what action has been taken. This form will then be emailed to you for you to sign. If an emergency has occurred and we are either forced to close or escort a child to the hospital then either us or our emergency back-up cover may contact you and you will be expected to collect your child right away.

If we are accompanying or need to take a child to hospital, we will contact you and ask you to meet us there as soon as possible and keep you up to date every step of the way.

Fire safety

In the event of a fire on the premises all children will be calmly escorted out of the building and taken to the furthest point away from the danger (either back or front garden), we will have the register and parent contact information with us so that once emergency services have been contacted you will be called to come and collect your child.

We make sure that we carry out fire drills termly with the children present.

Health and safety

Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety of your child is very important to us so we carry out safety checks and risk assessments for anything that will be in use during the time at the setting, including anywhere we take the children outside of the setting. We make sure that not only the children maintain correct hygiene standards but that also our staff are maintaining correct health and safety and hygiene levels. All chemicals are in an out of reach cupboard and we are inline with all of the regulations from COSHH.


We do not and will not administer physical punishment of any form with the intention of causing pain, discomfort, humiliation or being hurtful. We use a combination of positive rewards and time to think, allowing the children to sit away from the situation if it has escalated too far and be able to reflect on what has happened and what has gone wrong.


When We are Sick

We are happy to work with minor ailments such as colds etc but we will not work if we have sickness, diarrhoea or any other highly contagious infections. The likelihood of us being unable to look after you children is low, however, we have arranged emergency cover with other registered childminders providing it doesn’t take them over their registered numbers. You will be informed every step of the way and we will give you as much notice as possible.

You will not be charged if we are unable to work

Sick Child

We are happy to look after children with minor coughs and colds but will not care for any child who is very unwell, infectious or running a high temperature.

If your child has suffered from diarrhoea or sickness with in the last 24 hours please do not bring them.

If your child becomes ill while in our care we will make them as comfortable as possible. We will contact you and inform you of the illness/symptoms. This then allows you to make an informed decision as to whether to come and pick them up. But if they become very unwell we will insist that the child is collected by you or another adult of your choosing.

We hare happy to administer medication.

If your child is off for whatever reason and we are still able to open then normal fees will apply.

Head Lice

No child will be excluded from our care because they have head lice. We will inform all parents if we have a child with head lice but will not say who to respect confidentiality.

We request that all children with long hair wear it up and that parents check their children’s hair and inform us immediately if they have discovered head lice.

Health and Hygiene

Healthy Eating

We provide healthy meals, snacks and drinks and encourage the children to make healthy eating choices. During the day we provide the children with water to drink and milk if needed, our menus are made available for parents on our parent notice board at the setting.

We can cater for different food allergies and cultural/religious requirements and are happy to support you if you are weaning your baby. Any requirements please feel free to contact us and we can let you know how we can help out.

We do not permit children to have fizzy drinks unless it is a special occasion and we have your permission. We don’t encourage children to eat sweets but we do sometimes offer sweets for special occasions for the children to take back home with them.


Children are encouraged to wash their hands after going to the toilet, touching animals, playing out side and before eating. We are happy to help children with brushing their teeth if you provide the toothbrush and paste. We disinfect the changing mat between children and follow a strict hygiene routine in the kitchen.

Sleep and Nappies

Sleeping Baby

We will discuss with you in detail the sleep routines you have established for you child and how we can accommodate them into are own routine and working day. We usually have one nap time after the children have eaten lunch but we will alter this routine depending on the children who are in for the day. We will do our best to implement any routine that you have into our setting but some children will adapt a different routine due to the different environment so we will follow the child and what is best for them personally. We regularly check all the children when they sleep and record the total time slept so that we can inform you upon collection.

Nappy and toilet training

We will provide any children who attend with nappies and wet wipes, If you have a specific brand that you use and would like us to use them then we request that you bring your own into the setting.

Nappy changing stations are wiped down in-between every use to prevent cross contamination.


Payment of Invoices

Your invoice is not only to cover our wages but also the exceptional care that we as a team are able to provide for your child as well as any outings and meals provided for the. We would appreciate it if you would respect our efforts in providing high quality care for your child by paying on time. If you have not paid by agreed date you should expect a reminder and a potential late fee. After which it’s “no cash no care” policy, if you are unable to pay for any reason please get in contact with us as soon as possible and we will be able to consider your circumstances and come to an agreement.



If there is any aspect of our service you are not happy with please bring it to our attention either verbally or in a written/email form if you wish. All complaints are taken seriously and fully investigated. We are a team of 3 so we hope that there is a member of staff that you feel comfortable sharing your concerns with.

For impartial advice call NCMA Information on 0800 169 4486

For complaints of a serious nature that you feel you cannot discuss with us then please contact Ofsted on 0845 640 4040

Equal opportunities

Equal Opportunities

We actively promote equality and anti-discriminatory practices. We value and respect the different racial, religions, cultures and languages and will not discriminate.


We do not permit any form of bullying in our service. If we have any concerns that a child in our care is being bullied or is bullying, we will discuss the matter with you immediately and work with you to support your child to resolve the problem.


We have made a commitment to value the language and cultures of all children in our care. We will endeavour to promote a positive attitude towards bilingualism and provide opportunities for the development of the child’s home language.

Garden and outdoors

Sun Protection

Please provide us with:

    • Sun cream (high factor)

    • Sun hat (preferably a legionnaires hat to protect the neck)

    • A thin top/cardigan/shirt with long sleeves.

We will ensure that your child uses the sun cream and hat. We avoid spending prolonged periods of time in direct sun by using shady areas.

Transporting Children in a Car

Hazel has a full clean driving license and is covered by business use car insurance. The car is in road worthy condition, MOT, Car tax etc. We ensure all car seats are correctly fitted, age and stage appropriate for the children using them. Child safety locks are in use. We all carry mobile telephones as well as first aid kits and identification on us in case of an emergency.

Safety on Outings

We obtain written parental permission for all routine and special outings that keep you informed of any planned special trips and that we take everything we need e.g. Emergency contact cards, first aid kit, mobile etc.