
Project: Dynamics Can Save Your Life!

The purpose of this project is to apply your classroom knowledge to a dynamics problem out in the real world. Working in teams of 3, you will find a real-world situation and use you knowledge of dynamics to prove, debunk, confirm or call into question the decisions being made. For this to count, there must a decision with at least two options, and where you use dynamics to identify the better option.

Important note: Despite the title of this project, please do not put yourself, your team, or anyone else in danger.

Deliver: A 4-minute video that resolves the issue. You are free (encouraged, really) to use your imagination and creativity in the identification of your dynamics problem, and in presenting your solution. You are free to use whatever resources you can find in producing this video.

Due: Monday, December 10e. Your video must be posted to YouTube (or the publicly-accessible social media platform of your choice), and the link sent to me by the start of class on this day. The videos will be shown and evaluated in class on that day.

