
December 11 Faculty Senate resolution - passed by acclamation:

Whereas, the intent when the Senate established the Ad Hoc Committee on Donor Influence was that academic/research centers or institutes should not be established by donors without faculty consultation and review by appropriate Faculty Assemblies or equivalent groups.

And whereas, we have no policy or process in place, and it is likely to be several months before the new ad hoc committee makes a recommendation.

Whereas, the Faculty Manual states that: “The faculty also have a major role in establishing or modifying general policies that affect the academic mission of the University. On these matters, the views of faculty members will be solicited through the Faculty Senate or the appropriate Faculty Assemblies or equivalent groups before action is taken” (III.H.4).

Whereas, the decision to establish an academic center or institute should be directed by a carefully defined process, as such decisions focus university resources, and may affect the reputation and academic mission of the University,

Therefore, be it resolved that:

In the absence of a policy and guidelines on this matter, the Faculty Senate recommends that the president consult the full Faculty Senate and affected faculty assembly bodies before making any decision to establish a new center or institute until such policy and guidelines are developed.

The Faculty Senate directs the Faculty Senate President to forward this resolution in its entirety to the President and Vice Presidents of the University.