Mapping the Ring of Fire

Mapping The Ring Of Fire!

Team Leader: Create a Google Spreadsheet and call it Ring of Fire.

At the top, put these labels:

Earthquake Name





Team Members:

1. Google search for three earthquakes each located in the ring of fire. Put the data you find in the spreadsheet.

How to input longitude and latitude.

If the latitude is North, the number will be positive. If it is South, you will need to make it negative.

If the longitude is East, the number will be positive. If it is West, you will need to make it negative.

2. When you are finished inputting your data to your spreadsheet, to to Google Maps Engine.

Click here to go to Google Maps Engine

3. Click Create A New Map.

4. Click Untitled Map and label your map Ring of Fire.

5. Click "Untitled Layer" and name it Earthquakes

6. Click import, click on recent. You should see your doc called Ring of Fire. If not, do a search. Click select.

7. You may need to allow Pop Ups. In your address bar, click the red X and click Allow Pop Ups.

8. When it says Choose Columns To Position Your Placemarks, make sure Longitude and Latitude are selected. Press continue.

9. When it says Choose Column to Title Your Markers, select Earthquake Names. Click Finish.

10. When the page stops loading you should see your placemarks. You may need to zoom out to see all of them.

11. At the bottom of the legend where it says Base Map, click the down arrow and choose the second dark blue map.

12. We want all of our earthquake icons/placemarks to look the same. Under Earthquakes, click on Style and choose Uniform Style. It should change to All Items. At the end of All Items, click the paint can. Click more icons.

13. Choose an new icon. For Earthquakes, the red star is a good one. Click OK.

14. If you click on one of the icons on the map, you will see a pencil icon. If you click this pencil icon, you can edit the information for that earthquake. If you click it, you will see a camera icon where you can upload pictures.