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Welcome to the World Languages Department!

iBienvenidos al departamento de lenguas del mundo!

Bienvenue au département de langues mondiales!

The World Languages Department at JDCHS is committed to preparing students linguistically and culturally in a diverse global society. Our primary goal is to help our students explore their God-given talent through the commitment to learning a world language and personally grow in knowledge and tolerance. As stated in the Utah World Languages Core Standards: "The need for language competence in a global society touches every sector of life. From career preparation in an international workforce to citizen diplomacy and national defense to one’s role in a social or virtual community, communication across cultures is key. Learners today must have the language proficiency to communicate with global audiences, the insight into the cultural perspectives that shape those audiences, and the ability to behave appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts." To comply with that mission and to incorporate it into our program at Juan Diego Catholic High School we will foster the following:

  • Acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical concepts through interpretive (reading, listening, viewing), interpersonal (speaking and listening, reading and writing) and presentational (writing, speaking and visual representation) communication.
  • Respect for, acceptance and appreciation of the diverse nature of our world with regard to other ways of thinking, living and speaking and how those tie to language, culture, and religious practices.
  • Greater understanding of the role of Catholicism and the Catholic Church with respect to the language via exposure to religious and ethnic traditions.


The World Language Department at Juan Diego Catholic High School advocates Catholic values and demonstrates Christian behavior in the classroom. We believe the students' spiritual and moral development is as important as the study of language. Classes begin with prayers in the target language and information on the Catholic tradition in countries of the target language is included in the curriculum.


Juan Diego World Language students will have acquired the ability to understand, speak, read and write the target language at a level appropriate to the number of years of study completed. At the same time, they will have increased their knowledge of etymology and the structure of English. They will have developed greater appreciation of other cultures and belief in the worth and dignity of all people. They will have increased their knowledge of the traditions of the Catholic Church cross culturally; and have strengthened their commitment to social justice across linguistic and ethnic boundaries.