2024-2025 Officers

President - Aidyn Edney

Vice President - Abhi Patel

Secretary - Abby Fisher

Historian - Lillian Young

Treasurer - Brady Meyer

Sergeant at Arms - Bryce Socoteanu


The purpose of the National Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of Spring Hill High School. The Alpha Centauri Chapter of NHS will be consistent with the Constitution and the policies established by the National Council. 

To be considered for membership, a student must be a full-time sophomore or junior student and must have maintained a cumulative GPA of 95 in all academic courses (English, Science, Math and Social Studies), AP courses, and honors since entering high school. In the spring semester, students who meet the academic requirements will be invited to submit an application detailing how they exhibit the qualities of service, leadership, and character. Equal consideration is given to scholarship, service, leadership and character by the faculty council (appointed by the principal) in making the final decision about who will be offered membership. *Note: Transfer membership is granted to any student when a letter of good standing is received from the NHS adviser or principal of the former school. 

Expectations for maintaining membership

For more information, contact:  KRISTI MONTGOMERY kmontgomery@shisd.net 


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