Design Vocab

Layout and design when presenting your work is VERY important

  • HOW are you presenting your work?
  • WHERE would it fit?
  • WHAT SIZE are you presenting it in? The size of your work effects the audience. In your journal, explain why and how size effects your work. What size do you want your work to be?
  • Which images go next to each other? Why are they place in that order? Do they have flow and lead to one another?
  • Do you want captions under each image or an index?
  • These terms are used during the design process:

Layout (template for each page)

Structure (column division)

Dominance (focal point of the page)

Contrast (visual interest created by variety)

Eyeflow/Eyeline (keeps the reader interacting w/content)

Linkage (visually links two facing pages)

White Space (Planned open space on a page used to frame or otherwise highlight content)

MORE terms to learn here: