Woven Portrait

This is un-be-WEAVE-able!!

Many artists have made images that weave ideas and concepts together. Others have actually woven images together!!

For this assignment, print 2 of the same or similar images. That means similar exposure, background, subject placement, etc...

Cut one image into 0.25 in vertical strips.

Cut the other image into 0.25 in horizontal strips.

To make sure to keep your strips in order, make your image 10in x 10in. Then make your canvas size 12in x 12in. This gives you a 1 inch margin all around to keep your pieces in order.

Weave the two images together (over under/ over under).

Upload your images to Costco and select the luster 12x12 print.

Look at the examples from the sites below for inspiration.

Dinh Q Le




Thanks to Lauren, here is an example of how your image can look digitally by using a checkered mask.

Make your own mask (or use this one) by repeating squares/rectangles in a checker-board pattern and apply the mask to the image on the top layer. This will give you an idea as to what the actual product will look like. Move your images around until you like the placement, this is how you will crop your images to get printed and guarantee you like the way the woven images look.

*Note: The thinner you cut the strips, the more readable the image will be.

Once you have your 2 images printed, you will have to cut them into strips.

Cut your first image leaving a 1in margin to keep the image together.

Cut your second image horizontally all the way, but keep your pieces in order!!!!

You can cut almost all the way and tear each away, one at a time as you weave.

Weave your horizontal strips (over, under, over, under....) into the image cut vertically. Make sure they are tight by gently pushing them up against the 1in border.

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Take it to the next level!!

Take a photo of a family member or scan an old image in.

Take a self portrait re-creating the position and lighting.

Overlay the images in PS.

Print and weave a family member and self portrait together.


Weave your photo in a diagonal pattern!!