
All SE BOCES schools/districts are currently following the state identification guidelines.  Through the Universal Screening Grant awards since 2015  and continuing into school year 2023-2024, we have established universal screening at both the 2nd  grade and one grade in middle school (6th -8th) for all schools/districts.  This screening includes a non-verbal abilities assessment, which should help to improve identification of students from under-represented populations and in areas beyond the typical academic strengths. All identifications are based on a body of evidence as outlined in the guidelines; this includes abilities profiles, achievement data, behavior/exhibited traits, and referrals from parents and/or teachers. Improving identification of our gifted students is an on-going effort throughout the AU.  In addition to training on the universal screening, school/district coordinators also receive professional development in implementing other identification tools, such as the Gifted Evaluation Scale (GES) and the Profiles of Creative Abilities (PCA).

**Update:  The Office of Gifted Education has recently released guidelines for using ACCESS test data to identify ELL students for gifted services.  Please click here for more information.  Coordinators, be sure to check out the video available through the SE BOCES Gifted Education Google classroom and on the Livebinder resource.

Please click here to visit the Colorado Dept. of Education's Gifted Identification Guidelines.