Welcome to Mrs. Evans' Website!

Welcome, Students and Parents!  I am very excited to be able to continue teaching middle school math this year!  I am certain that we will have a great year together if we agree to give each other our best efforts and the benefit of the doubt when needed. 

I hope that together we will work with the following philosophy as the central focus for our classroom community:

Just be nice. Violators will be expected to reflect, apologize, and perform an act of kindness.

Just be respectful.  Violators will be expected to reflect, apologize, and perform an act of kindness.

Just be responsible. Violators will be expected to reflect, apologize, and perform an act of kindness.

Come to class prepared to give each task your very best.  Your best might change from one day to the next, but use all of the effort that you have each day.  Violators will be expected to reflect and restore mutual respect through an apology, hard work, and/or an act of kindness.

Please contact me via email or voicemail with any questions or concerns that may arise throughout the school year.

Mrs. Mary Evans

Springfield Township Middle School, Room 302

email: mary_evans@sdst.org

voicemail: (215) 233-6070 Ext. 3761

 I expect that all students come to class prepared with the following items every day:

1. A well-equipped set of supplies, inluding pencils, erasers, a notebook and/or paper, a folder/binder section dedicated to Math

2. Homework 

3. An assignment book/agenda to keep track of assignments/projects

4. An open mind