SCS Basketball - 2021-2022

"There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and never win titles. Most of the time those players aren't willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. The funny thing is, in the end, their unwillingness to sacrifice only makes individual goals more difficult to achieve. One thing I believe to the fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades will take care of themselves. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."

-Michael Jordan

All CYO Coaches are required to

Please complete Catholic Coaching Essentials. In addition, all new basketball coaches are required to

complete Catholic Coaching Basketball Essentials. Please go


Basketball Coach Contact


SCS Teams - We work together!

Meet our Team's Coaches

3/4 Girls Basketball -

Coach -

e-mail -

3/4 Boys Basketball -

Coach -

email -

5/6 Girls Basketball -

Coach - Tim Szulc

e-mail -

5/6 Boys Basketball -

Coach - Mr. Perrin

e-mail -


Congratulations Purple Knight SCS Basketball team players!

Student Athletes create a feeling of pride and accomplishment, while promoting teamwork, friendship, discipline, and structure.

With the opportunity to participate on our school's sports teams comes the responsibility of commitment. Attendance at all practices and games must not be viewed as elective. When you join a team, you must be committed to that team above all other activities. You must determine the level of the demands of your current schedule and insure that nothing will interfere with your attendance. Your coaches and teammates are counting on you to be at every practice and game. Please remember that your coaches are giving their time to provide you with the opportunity to have fun, improve skills, stay in shape, and be part of a team. Please respect the coaches, teammates, opponents, team rules, parents, fans, and officials. Our school success depends on you!

Go Purple Knights!

Mrs. Anzivino

Physical Education Teacher/AD

Coaches' Corner

Coaching Resources

In this space I put a variety of coaching resources that may help you improve your coaching style, techniques and knowledge. If you have suggestions for this resource page, please let me know. With my sincere

thanks and gratitude for your time and talent given to the Purple Knights Basketball program!

Yahoo Group

- This group has been around for a number of years. It did change names about 2 years ago after the original founding coach passed away. This group has youth, high school and college coaches (and retired coaches) from around the country participating in it, sharing ideas and offering suggestions to coaches who have questions.

Reference for Coaches on Concussion Injuries

Report with suggestions for how coaches can deal with parents

Mismatch Etiquette - written for high school teams, but easily adapted for this league