Third and Fourth Grades

3rd and 4th Grade Objectives

Movement Skills

  • Demonstrates smooth transitions using locomotor skills (e.g., run, walk, skip, leap, and slide) in movement sequences.
  • Uses the concept of space awareness and basic movement to perform basic dances.
  • Kicks stationary and rolling balls with a strong force while maintaining good balance.
  • Demonstrates the ability to use and overhand throw for distance with good force.
  • Knows various techniques for catching balls at different levels and directions.
  • Volleys or consistently strikes objects with hand or short racquet.
  • Demonstrates a variety of ways to establish a base of support and fundamental principles of maintaining balance.

Physical Activity

  • Can demonstrate 2 or 3 components of health-related fitness assessment.
  • Recognizes the physiological indicators that accompany moderate to vigorous activity.
  • Understands that physical activity produces feelings of pleasure.
  • Recognizes the relationship between nutrition and physical activity.
  • Knows the difference between healthy and contra-indicated stretches and exercises.
  • Understands the importance of drinking water (re-hydration) during vigorous physical activity.

Safety, injury prevention, and personal responsibility

  • Applies rules, procedures, and safe practices requiring little or no adult or peer reinforcement.
  • Treats others with respect during play.
  • Reports results of work honestly.
  • Uses feedback to improve performance.