Mrs. Anzivino's Physical Education Class

Prayer to Saint Sebastian

O lord, grant us the spirit of fortitude, so that guided by the example of St. Sebastian, we may learn to bear witness to the Christian Faith and patiently support the sufferings of life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

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Shared Time Phys. Ed.
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Was so great this year! So happy we had the time together in school!

2021 SCS XC Team

XC Team is open to any student in the 4th-6th grade. Please look at the 9/10 newsletter for complete information.

First Practice - September 21, 2021 2:15 - 3:30

Please return before the first practice the Athletic consent form, Diocesan participant waiver.


Coach Anzivino

Physical Education - Classes by Grade

Physical Education Rubric


Move-a-thon: Watch us dance!

Why Children Need Physical Education in Catholic School

Physical education is an important part of a child's development throughout elementary school. As they grow in skills in the Physical Education class each student will begin to see that God has made them each unique and special.

Benefits of taking PE Class

Improved physical fitness

Improves children's muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.

Skill development

Develops motor skills, which allow for safe, successful and satisfying participation in physical activities.

Regular, healthful physical activity

Provides a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities for all children.


Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness.

Improved judgment

Quality physical education can influence moral development. Students have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others, question actions and regulations, and accept responsibility for their own behavior.

Stress reduction

Physical activity becomes an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety and facilitates emotional stability and resilience.

Strengthened peer relationships

Physical education can be a major force in helping children socialize with others successfully and provides opportunities to learn positive people skills. Especially during late childhood and adolescence, being able to participate in dances, games, and sports is an important part of peer culture.

Improved self-confidence and self-esteem

Physical education instills a stronger sense of self-worth in children based on their mastery of skills and concepts in physical activity. They can become more confident, assertive, independent and self-controlled.

Experience setting goals

Gives children the opportunity to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.

Where Fun and Fitness come to life

St. Catherine of Siena values the connection between mind and body. Physical education builds strength, endurance, and agility to develop wellness and promote a lifetime appreciation of physical fitness. Students participate in a variety of physical activities in the development of fine and gross motor skills with the emphasis on personal achievement and team participation. Working cooperatively to achieve mutually defined and desired goals increases the likelihood that students will accept and respect individual differences. Required physical education classes embody carefully sequenced and developmentally appropriate games, fitness, and sports programs reflecting the school’s philosophy.

Physical Education and Athletic Programs at St. Catherine are consistent with our philosophy, goals and educational objectives. We endeavor to:

  • foster sportsmanship, citizenship, teamwork and Christian Values.

  • foster respect for one another and to those in authority, and at the same time to develop discipline and self-control.

  • develop necessary learning and living tools of communication, problem-solving, decision making, creativity and knowledge that will prepare students for living and competing in society.

  • provide for the basic p

  • physical and social growth of those children whose skills and maturity qualify them for a program of competitive sports.

Our Prayer we say together at every class

Special, special, special me

How I wonder what I’ll be.

In this world I can be

Anything I want to be.

Special, special, special me

Don't forget how special God made you!!

you are a child of the most high god
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After School Activities