Academic Intervention Services for Math (AIS) 2021-2022

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2021-2022 services are provided throughout the day based on an individual student's needs and his or her grade's daily schedule.

Interventions are not more of the same work students are given in class. Some examples of effective interventions include incremental rehearsal, scaffolding, intermixing easy and challenging problems, and self-monitoring with performance feedback.

When students are given opportunities to practice skills and ask questions in small groups, they develop more confidence and proficiency. Not all students learn the same way or at the same pace.

Targeted interventions aligned with the Response-to-Intervention model (RTI) and state standards use SuccessMaker math, place value cubes/charts, fraction strips, counters, dice, ten frames, part-part-whole work mats, pictures, diagrams and other research-based tools.

Student progress and growth is tracked on a regular basis. Trimester progress reports are included with student report cards.