Scott Stein's SCHience Blog

I am the head of the science department at SCH and currently teach 11th grade Biology, Honors and College Prep, and AP Biology.   I have also taught  Human Physiology, Human Genetics, Forensic Science and middle school sciences.  Visit SCH  at: and scroll down to the science video.

Why do I love to teach Biology?  Teaching is a lot like volunteering for a dunk tank!  You feel like you are on top of the world and things go along smoothly, but you know that change is coming... it is inevitable.  You shouldn't be teaching, especially teaching Biology, if you don't like change.  When the change (i.e. the ball hitting the dunk button!!) comes, you embrace it with joy and excitement (a towel helps at times!) and actually love it.  In fact, you become addicted to it, and encourage people to hit the button!!  Each year, I try to learn as many new things as the students.  In fact, in my classroom, rather than calling myself the teacher, I like to consider myself  the chief learner, who is there to assist everyone else with their quest for Bio knowledge! So, I teach because I love working with kids, I love the excitement of teaching in a field that is so unbelievably dynamic and relevant and I love helping to pass along the joy of being on the dunk tank seat to my students and my colleagues.