Google Classroom

The middle school learning management system (LMS) is Google Classroom.

Google Classroom is a tool that integrates a homework calendar, announcements, document sharing, assignment submission and work feedback for each subject a student is enrolled in. After-school activities and clubs may also create Google Classroom classes to help coordinate events and share information.

To support your child's homework we recommend you that you regularly sit down with your child and go through their Google Classroom environment. Have them explain what upcoming assignments they may have and help them plan and prioritize their homework time. The Google Classroom homepage (with a tile for each class) and the built-in calendar are ideal places to get an overview of immediate homework requirements.

Watch the short video tutorial to get an insight into the student view of Google Classroom

We encourage all students to develop a routine workflow using Google Classroom to help them keep up to date with class and homework tasks. 

Sample email summary

Parent Access?

Parents DO NOT have the ability to log into the student's Google Classroom environment. Please work with your child to share this view of their class information, activities and homework assignments.

Google Classroom DOES has a Guardian Email Summary function. At the beginning of the year parents will sent an email invite to opt-in to receive a consolidated summary of homework assignments and class activity. Parents have the option to receive:

[IMPORTANT - Accepting the invitation works best using a computer/laptop. Mobile devices that have multiple email accounts active can create issues with the correct activation of the email summaries]

Guardian email summaries include: