
2023-2024 School Year

A Note From the Heritage PTO

The mission of the Heritage PTO is to enhance educational experiences for all Heritage students. This is done mainly through fundraising and volunteering. We can't do it alone, which means all hands on deck! As we gear up for the 2024-25 school year, we need some new board members! Open positions will be SECRETARY, FUNDRAISING CHAIR, & POPCORN CHAIR, in addition to helpers for all events. Please consider helping out & joining our board!

Kathy, Stacey, Megan, Kelly, Joelle, & Lori

PTO Board 2023-2024


We raise the majority of our funds for the year through our major fundraiser, the Fun Run. The money raised through the Fun Run is intended to support the current school-year's programming. However, additional fundraising is added to meet the school's needs. This is achieved through Passive Fundraising.

The Heritage PTO provides funding for a a wide variety of school needs, such as transportation to field trips and 5th grade camp, playground updates, books, visiting authors, technology, and so much more!!!

Passive Fundraisers

Passive fundraising is an easy way to be involved at no cost to you! 

Follow us on social media for updates!
