Pk-5th Grade Art in RSU 21

Developing adaptive global citizens by building artistic knowledge and creative behavior.

Kennebunk Elementary School

Ms. Allard

Consolidated Elementary School

Ms. DeFilipp

Mildred L. Day Elementary School

Ms. McAtamney

Sea Road Elementary School

Ms. Davidson


Click on the link to the left to view some social media showcasing student artwork! 

Growth Mindset School Wide Mural at MLD

8 Studio Habits of Mind "Inspiration Board"

Positive attribute banners line the hallway at MLD

A sneak peek from the kindergarten artists at KES. We have been exploring symmetry, both through the artworks of artist Charley Harper, as well as with paint droppers.

First graders reflect on this special time of year, where spring may be in the air but snow is still on the ground. These amazing artists have created beautiful neon snowy sunsets and sunrises. 

Second grade artists focused on creating tints and shades of blue in these glowing full moon paintings. Students then added silhouettes to their snowy scenes to complete their artworks.

We are so proud of the young artists at KES! Students exhibited work at the Brick Store Muesum from March 11-April 8th. Each grade focused on their own natural environment in Kennebunk and created artworks about the creatures who inhabit these spaces.  For a video tour, click the link below.

For a video tour of the Kennebunk Elementary School art show at the Brick Store Museum Click Here!