Assessment Data

RSU 13 Graduation Rates

RSU 13 Attendance Rates

Spring 24 Comparison Data

Fall 24 Comparison Data 

Welcome to the RSU 13 website location that provides access to our most current student assessment data. The purpose of this site is to provide a continuing format for summarizing and sharing information regarding the assessments that are routinely utilized in our schools and making this important information available to educators, parents, and members of our RSU 13 community. 

This site provides access to a variety of reports that will be updated or reissued regularly as assessment data becomes available throughout each school year. Viewers are reminded that any one source of assessment information is but a single ‘snapshot’ of a more complicated whole, and that the quality of learning outcomes is best considered by referencing and comparing multiple assessment sources. 

You can also access data through the state's ESEA Dashboard.  For more information on this dashboard, please navigate to this link:

If you have questions regarding any of these reports, please do not hesitate to contact your school’s principal, or Steffany Tribou, Assistant Superintendent and Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction, at the RSU 13 Superintendent’s Office. Thank you for your time and interest in knowing more about the assessments that are utilized to guide teaching and learning in RSU 13.

For historical district as well as school based assessment data, please view the reports below:

RSU 13 recognizes that its students are much more than just test results.  We are generated our own education report inclusive of state and district test results by school for students in grades PreK-12 in addition to district-wide interventions and programming efforts, and school-specific supports and opportunities for students.  We hope this helps you see a more accurate picture of the district as whole and our 

efforts to support and nurture the whole child.

Maine's ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Dashboard for state-mandated testing (District and school based test results from state-mandated tests for grades 3-11 can be accessed here as well as per pupil spending, absenteeism data, comparative data to state averages as well as other districts):

To navigate to RSU 13's data, search for District and RSU13.

Parents' Rights to Know: The ­­­­­­­­RSU 13 School Department utilizes all assessment data to help inform our practices at the district, school, classroom and individual levels for our students.  Although we encourage students and parents to participate fully in our assessment program, it is important to note that parents/guardians may opt their child out of state testing.  If you are interested in doing so, please reach out to your child's principal to make this request in writing after reading the information below.  (Maine DOE Sec. 1112(e)(2)(A))

The Maine Education Assessments (MEA): 

Why does Maine have a standardized test?

Federal requirements under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) require Maine to administer a standardized test. This is one of many requirements that enable Maine to accept more than $70 Million in federal funding for Maine schools.

How are scores used?

The state-level standardized assessments are only one academic measurement of how students are performing. There are many other forms of evaluation that help educators and schools determine how students are doing in school, academically, socially, and emotionally. MEAs can be useful as one small part of a much bigger picture of student achievement and of school success.

What is required?

Students in grades 3-8 and in their 3rd year of high school are required to participate in the MEAs. ESSA requires that 95% of students (who are eligible to test) participate. Maine has selected assessments that are relatively brief (in comparison to tests provided by other states), provide a summative measure, and that are only implemented once per year.

What if Maine does not reach 95% participation? 

Maine could receive less federal funds for Maine schools that are experiencing significant challenges. Participation rates lower than 95% can also skew performance data for the school.

What about students with disabilities? 

Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are assessed with an alternate assessment. Federal requirements do not allow greater than 1% of the population to participate in the alternate assessment. This could also result in an impact on federal funds. Should a state exceed the 1% cap, a waiver can be requested from U.S. DOE. A pre-requisite of applying for the waiver is 95% participation in the MEAs. 

Where does the data come from?

Participation rate data comes from the annual spring assessment results and Maine DOE student records. The Maine DOE utilizes district reported enrollment data and aligns it with participation in the MEAs for each of the applicable grades.


ESEA Data Dashboard

RSU 13 School Report can be accessed through the Department of Education's new ESEA Data Dashboard. Our community can access data by clicking on the link and searching either by district (RSU 13) or by school. The most up-to-date reports available are from the 2022-2023 school year. The data within these reports reflects school performance during spring assessment window of the 2022-2023 school year in which the Maine Through year assessment was given for the first time since making multiple changes to the MEA assessment system during COVID.

The statewide testing system, referred to as the Maine Educational Assessment (MEA), uses an assessment called NWEA to assess math and literacy (reading and the addition of language usage in the 21-22 school year only) for grades 3-8, and the for grade 11 (third year high school students).

The ESEA Dashboard provides data sets collected by the Maine Department of Education.  Due to COVID-19 and emergency school closings in the spring of the 2019-2020 school year, there is no data from the year, and data that exists beyond that year cannot be compared to previous years' assessment data since all assessments changed. 

These reports include links to performance charts for each school. Should you have questions about the data presented, please contact the principal of your child's school and they will welcome any questions that you might have regarding the successes and ongoing challenges that the report card data represent.

Our administrative team and professional teaching staff use all data, inclusive of State mandated testing and several other tools and metrics to guide instructional decision-making for your children.

Thank you for continuing your support of our schools. We invite you to visit and to become involved at whatever level feels comfortable for you. Our communities and your input are important to us as we move forward and strive for continuous progress and improvement.

Click on any of the schools listed to access the latest ESEA Report Card for that school or visit the provided link to view recently available MEA results. If you are unable to access these report cards electronically, kindly let administrative assistant personnel at your child's school know that you would appreciate receiving a printed copy and one will be made available to you.


This notice has been prepared for posting on the RSU 13 website with active links to the ESEA report cards posted for individual schools. A similar notice will appear within each schools parent/student handbook that is distributed at the beginning of each school year directing interested parents, guardians, and community members to the RSU 13 website.

RSU 13 Historical Data (3+ years old):

MEA,NECAP,& MHSA Historical Profile. This report contains successive years of historical data for reading and mathematics performance by school and by grade. The performance highlighted in this report is the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards compared to the State of Maine averages for the same combined measures. This report is updated each school year as data becomes available.

Click Here to View Report 2013-2014

RSU 13 Writing Assessment. This report profiles the outcomes of the fall/pre and spring/post district writing assessment results. Data is provided for student performance by school, grade, and gender along with instructional recommendations derived by the analysis of assessment results.

Click Here to View Report 2013-2014 (Release January 2015)

Click here to View Report 2013-2014

Click here to View Report 2012-2013

Click Here to View Report 2011-2012

Click Here to View Report 2010-2011

Click Here to View Report 2009-2010

RSU 13 MWEA/MAP Target Growth Study This report contains grade level summaries, individual school results, and gender-based performance analysis for reading and mathematics, indicating the percent of RSU 13 students meeting or exceeding targeted growth goals via the Northwester Evaluation Association (NWEA) - Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. Target growth is calculated within spring to spring assessment periods.

Click here to View Report 2012-2015

RSU 13 NCLB Study. This report contains a district summary of annual assessment outcomes for reading and mathematics for grades 3 – 8. Results are reported by grade and by school, and are compared to the State of Maine average for each performance area. Gender performance patterns are also profiled.

Click Here to View Report 2012-2013

Click Here to View Report 2011-2012

Click Here to View Report 2010-2011

Click Here to View Report 2009-2010 

RSU 13 Progress Monitoring Study . This report profiles on-going progress monitoring assessments that occur three times during the academic year utilizing the DIBELS, DRA, and NWEA/MAP assessments for grades K-10. This report is updated during each school year as assessment data becomes available.  

Click Here to View Report 2014-2015 (Mid-Year Release January 2015)

Click Here to View Report 2013-2014 (November 2014)

Click Here to View Report 2013-2014 Mid-Year Release

Click Here to View Report 2012-2013 Final Report

Click Here to View Report 2011-2012

Click Here to View Report 2010-2011 

Click Here to View Report 2009-2010