Parent Resources
Kindergarten Information Presentation
Provided here are tools available through the district webpage to support families.
How do I read the K-5 Progress Report?
Please view the video to the right. In grades K-5, we report out on each Performance Indicator ("I Can" Statement) so that families can see students' strengths and areas that need additional support. If you would like to see more specific expectations for the scores, we encourage you to access student performance rubrics, which provide more specific language supporting how students are assessed in these skills, knowledge and performance. These can be found on the "Teacher Resources" tab at the top of your screen and are separated by subject area. Please note that any in "DRAFT" form are not yet viewable by the public, but please feel free to contact your child's teacher for more details.
How do I track progress on standards for grades 6-12?
Progress reports for grades 6-12 look a bit different from grades K-5. On this report, you will see an averaged aggregate of how a student is performing in a subject area instead of the more discreet skills, knowledge, and performance that were reported in K-5. We still track these skills, knowledge, and performance, but since these areas continue to expand and build on each other, we do not report out on them individually as students progress through the grade levels in middle and high school. Families and students, however, still have access to this information via Powerschool. Students are shown how to access their scores on standards as well as assignments, and families can access this information as well. Please contact the school if you need your child's Powerschool Login information.
Follow THESE POWERSCHOOL INSTRUCTIONS to see how students are progressing through skills. You are encouraged to contact teachers for rubrics or expectations of proficiency if you have questions.
If you do not have internet access at home, you are encouraged to request a PRINTED REPORT for any subject area in which you want to see assignment scores in order to see how your child in progressing. Please contact your child's teacher directly.
K-5 Report Card Changes
In an effort to make the K-5 report card more student and parent-friendly, RSU 13 teachers worked together to develop a new report card for the 2018-2019 school year. Below are some tools that you will see this year, and in case you need a digital copy, click the links below:
Grade 6-12 Proficiency Based Q & A
There has been a lot of talk around proficiency based learning in the news, so in an effort to clarify RSU 13's approach, here are some Q & As.
What is Proficiency Based Learning?
Proficiency Based Learning is an instructional approach that helps districts align what is being taught (the curriculum) to how it is being assessed and ensures that appropriate instruction of key skills is provided on the way to that assessment. It is important that teachers keep track of specific skills, knowledge, and performance that a student can do at each grade level. It is important to understand that an averaged score for a class, such as math, represents a very large umbrella of learning. Proficiency based instruction and assessment allows teachers to drill down to a more specific score that pinpoints the specific math skills that a student can or cannot do under that much broader umbrella. This allows teachers to more accurately plan for and develop instruction, and it allows students and parents to see progress.
RSU 13’s Proficiency Based System
allows teachers to keep track of specific student data to help students make growth.
allows students to know their individual strengths and needs.
allows parents and teachers to communicate about the strengths and needs of students in subject area skills.
Why did the law change and why does it seem like people are against proficiency based education?
The law has been under scrutiny due to its language around the proficiency based diploma, not proficiency based learning or instruction. There was not enough flexibility in the law to ensure that all students have equitable access to a diploma, which was one of the biggest red flags of the language within the law that was repealed. Another issue was the pressure and timeline that schools were under to abide by the law, and with a lack of state supported resources, this created a struggle for many districts. Please take a moment to read the former governor's letter regarding this change HERE. The Maine Department of Education has put out a statement supporting the governor's letter.
Why are we using a 1-4 grading system?
Grades K-8 use a 1-4 system of grading. The scores are intended to align to scoring language (rubrics) that help directly report out on a student's ability in key skills, knowledge and performance areas. We call these "Performance Indicators" because they indicate how a student is doing in specific areas. The "Performance Indicators" are tracked in order to have a record of students' strengths and areas of needed support as they continue to progress through their learning. Our district has developed agreements around what constitutes proficiency so that we are cohesive in our expectations across the district. If you would like to see more specific expectations for the scores, we encourage you to access student performance rubrics, which provide more specific language supporting how students are assessed in these skills, knowledge and performance. These can be found on the "Teacher Resources" tab at the top of your screen and are separated by subject area. Please note that any in "DRAFT" form are not yet viewable by the public, but please feel free to contact your child's teacher for more details.
In grades 9-12, the same 1-4 system of grading is in place, and subject areas have developed agreed upon rubrics outlining the expectation for proficiency as described above for grades K-8, but in addition, students earn a traditional grade (on a 100 point scale) for an overall course since our graduation policy reflects that students who pass a course will receive a credit for that course. A series of requirements and credits culminate in the awarding of a diploma. The 1-4 grade mimics the approach outlined above for grades K-8 to ensure that students are obtaining key skills within those credit-based courses, and the 100 point score for a course shows up on a student's transcript. In addition, high school offers several courses that function beyond the Maine Learning Results standards (standards that are required by law regardless of whether the state requires proficiency based diplomas or not) such as AP courses, dual enrollment courses, and CTE courses.
Dear Parents of 5th graders through 12th graders:
Have teachers been sharing your child's NWEA (MAP) RIT score with you?
Are you wondering about how you can use that number to help your child consider future educational options?
Save those RIT scores from parent/teacher conferences this November and input them into this MAPPING THE ROAD TO COLLEGE tool.
Dear Parents,
The number one most important step that you can take to ensure your child is on the pathway to a successful future is to help your child build a literate foundation by READING to/with/around your child. Doctors and educational researchers agree, which is why your child likely received books during well-child checkups from infancy all the way to age five. Just like doctors, teachers diagnose and prescribe. You can ask your child's teacher what kind of books your child can read for practice. At school, teachers will take care of the instruction as they are highly skilled in their ability to drill into specific skills that fall under the very broad category that we call "reading," but at home, we just ask that you give your child lots of time and opportunities to practice. Not only will this support the skills and fluency that students are working on in the classroom, it will build their confidence as well! I will add that as a former high school English teacher, no age is too old to start this practice, so even if you are the parent of a high school student, this message is still very relevant.
We are proud to work with families in the RSU 13 community, and this partnership will ensure the success of our community's future,
Steffany Tribou
Director of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction