Welcome to our Classroom, Guettler Gators!
I am so excited to begin another wonderful year at Herrington! We have so much learning and fun in store this year.
Meet the Teacher is Friday, August 9th from 4:30 - 6:30.
Please bring your supplies and meet your teacher. If you purchased school supplies from our PTA, those will be in the classroom waiting for you at your desk.
In the Know Night (ITK Night) is Thursday, August 29th from 6:15 - 7:00.
We look forward to presenting important information about third grade and answering any questions you may have about the school year. Your child will also have work on their desk displaying some of their learning and what we have been doing so far.
I look forward to an amazing year!
"Once a Guettler Gator, Always a Guettler Gator!"