Collegial Meeting between academic Dept Head and part-time faculty member

The attached form was developed a result of the Ad-Hoc Committee on evaluation of part-time faculty. This joint administrative and faculty committee met during the 2015/16 academic year and made recommendations to the Provost. The PTFA membership voted to ratify the recommendations. The Provost charged Academic Affairs with developing a form to be used for the purposes of encouraging a culture of mutual respect and transparency and provide a platform for discussing student evaluations and professional and research interests. During the 2016/17 academic year the Assc. Provost/Dean of Faculty, Director of Academic Administration, and Director of Labor Relations drafted the form in consultation with the PTFA leadership. The PTFA membership voted to ratify the form in the Spring of 2017. The Deans Council was presented with the form and urged to discuss it with the department heads in their divisions.