
MISSION The Mission of the Rhode Island Avian Records Committee is:

To evaluate documentation for unusual occurrences of birds in Rhode Island and its adjacent ocean waters, through application of consistent, rigorous, and impartial procedures, toward the greater goal of preserving an accurate and reliable historical record of Rhode Island’s birds.

YEAR SUMMARYs The old Rhode Island Ornithological Club (RIOC) compiled records of rare birds for much of the 1900s. Many Rhode Island birders are familiar with their work from the CHECKLIST OF RHODE ISLAND BIRDS 1900-2002. The Rhode Island Avian Records Committee (RIARC) began evaluating records starting in 2008. These records have been summarized by year, and are accessible by clicking the image below.


Birders are encouraged to submit reports of the following:

    • species listed on the Review List

    • species new to Rhode Island

    • first Rhode Island nesting records

The ultimate goal is to create an archive of the rare birds of Rhode Island that will be available to birders now, and also to future generations of Rhode Island birders. In Rhode Island we are fortunate to have almost one hundred years of historical data, and birders have the opportunity to add to that rich history.

Reports can be sent electronically to:



Doug Wilson dswilsonri@gmail.com

214 Posnegansett Ave.

Warwick, RI 02888