Monday, May 22, 2017

Post date: May 22, 2017 11:06:52 AM

We made it! After three months of hard work, we are ready to present our Third Grade Wax Museum this morning.

Your children have worked tirelessly to reach this point. Just to recap....

  • Read a book on their person;

  • Drafted, edited, and published a five-paragraph research report;

  • Created a compare and contrast, a descriptive word cloud, a timeline of events, a map, and portrait;

  • Wrote a speech and memorized it.

  • Practiced presenting and used their public speaking skills at our dress rehearsal

Phew.....And guess what....they are AMAZING!!

Our third graders will be presenting their speeches in McKenna Hall all day today: for all the 3rd-grade parents and RB teachers, RB fourth graders, and the PJMS 5th graders. What a fun day! I am so proud of all they have accomplished! :)

Tonight's homework:

  • Religion: Test tomorrow on chapter 12

  • Spelling: Choose 10 spelling words and write a sentence for each