October News

October's Newsletter

Kindergarten at a glance

Routine is continuing to emerge in the classroom. We will be exploring secondary colours throughout October. We have also been practicing the numbers from 1-5 in French. Please take the time to talk to your child about colours and numbers. This month we will start to learn our letters in French. We will be watching for the correct way to grip a pencil and hold scissors. We are also going to be doing numerous crafts for Thanksgiving and Halloween.

Thank you to Parents

Thank you to all the parents who have been waiting so patiently to come in and help in the classroom.

Outdoor recess

Fall weather is now upon us and winter is not far behind. Please dress your child appropriately for the morning line up. As long as the weather cooperates, it is likely that we will continue to go outside for gym a couple of times a week. Please send your child with a sweater and a coat so that they can remove layers if they get too warm.

Special Person

We will start with the All About Me poster this month. Please return it on or before your child’s special day (see the Special Person Calendar). Please have your child complete the sheet to the best of their abilities and they may colour a picture of themselves or include a photograph if they wish. Thank you very much!

Here are the words we will be working on this month:


le papier: paper

les ciseaux : scissors

la colle : glue

un crayon : pencil

la table: table

les souliers : shoes

vert: green

violet : purple

rose: pink

noir: black

un fantôme: a ghost

une citrouille: a pumpkin

un chat noir: a black cat

une maison hantée: a haunted house

une chauve souris: a bat

une sorcière: a witch

une araignée: a spider

un squelette: a skeleton

un dindon: a turkey

Thanksgiving: L'action de grace