March News

Spring is approaching …. I hope!

February has been busy month. I am seeing so much progress in the classroom and am so proud of our little people! This month we will be continuing with our Handwriting Without Tears printing program as well as continuing to learn our alphabet and letter sounds. We will also continue to practice your child’s last name. Most students now have a good handle on the numbers to 10 therefore we will be revisiting number concepts and measuring. March is nutrition month so we will be learning about the food groups and healthy eating habits.

*Sounds we have learned to date: s a t m i l c k e n r d o p u g f b j v. We have started to learn the letter names in French as well. Please practice each letter sound and letter name on a nightly basis. *To practice these sounds and gestures with your child, search French Jolly Phonics by Mme Ross on Youtube. For letters A-J: For letters K-R: For letters S-Z (title for video is wrong): *Please only practice those sounds we have worked on in class.

Here are a couple of versions of the alphabet song in French: and

We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s day on Wednesday, March 16. Please send your child in green clothing and more details will be sent home soon.

*It is almost spring cleaning time! If you come across any toys or costumes you’d like to donate to the class, let me know.

Outdoor recesses and play

We will try to get outside to enjoy the weather as much as possible, so please continue to send snow pants, hats and mittens every day.

Le Partage

We will continue to show an item or picture that shows we are part of a group. More information will be sent home for our next Show and Share theme.

Vocabulary for March

une fleur : flower

un oeuf: egg

un lapin: rabbit

un poussin: chick

de la pluie: rain

un trefle: clover

un farfadet: leprechaun

mon papa: my dad

ma maman: my mom

mon frère: my brother

ma soeur: my sister

mon grandpapa: my grandpa

ma grandmaman: my grandma

ma tante: my aunt

mon oncle: my uncle

mon cousin/ma cousine: my cousin