Welcome to Gifted Services

RCPS Vision Statement:

To empower every student to reach his or her full potential.

RCPS Mission Statement:

Through educational opportunities, the mission for RCPS will be to promote a culture of learning, a roadmap for excellence, and the passion and character that leads to each student's success.

State Documents and Resources Virginia State Gifted Information

"What educators and psychologists recognize as giftedness in children is really potential giftedness, which denotes promise rather than fulfillment and probabilities rather than certainties about future accomplishments. How high these probabilities are in any given case depends much on the match between a child's budding talents and the kinds of nurturance provided." Dr. Harry Passow, Expert in Gifted Education


Elizabeth Seeley

Gifted Education Specialist / ITRT for Rappahannock County Public Schools

Email - eseeley@rappahannockschools.us Phone - 540.227.0200

Below you will find the RCPS Gifted Plan:

RCPS.2019.GT Plan.pdf