Mr Dillon's Website

The Math Magician makes "the impossible" possible!

Welcome to my website!


Contact Information For Mr. Dillon

Room: 314

Phone: 602-449-3000 X33051


Email is the best way to contact me.

If you are absent, you can go to the Assignment Calendar on this website! There is no reason to not know what we did in class when you are absent!

Check your grade!

Pearson (Savvas) Realize

Go to and log in. From there, scroll down to "Pearson Easy Bridge" and click. Choose Geometry and you are in! You will find lessons, videos, solved problems and more for each section of the book on this site. It perfectly aligns with your textbook.

Any boxes of tissues, hand sanitizer or boxes of black Dry Erase pens donated by students and/or parents will be greatly appreciated!

Geometry and Essentials Syllabus

Open House Handout #2

Cell Phone Policy

Recommended Calculators are

TI 30XIIS and TI 30XA.

Go here for extra help!

Khan Academy