Property Maps Ireland
Land Registry Compliant Mapping
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Property Maps Ireland
A Land registry compliant map is a detailed map used for Land Registration purposes. This is a detailed large scale map which meets the specific requirements of the Property Registration Authority - Land Registry. Theses maps can be used for to specify the exact location and boundaries of freehold or leasehold property. They can also be used for First Registrations, Subdivisions of Registered Property and Rights over Registered Property etc.
We can provide Land Registry Compliant Maps, fast and at an affordable price.
When selling a property your solicitor may ask you to obtain a Land Registry Compliant Map, which is necessary for the conveyance. This will depend upon whether the title documents are registered in the Registry of Deeds, or in the Land Registry. Both are under management of the PRA (Property Registration Authority).
Preparation of title maps in accordance with the requirements of the Property Registration Authority – Land Registry
First Registration Mapping for land transfer, land leasing, property, apartments or multi-story buildings:
Maps for the First Registration of new properties,
Maps for the First Registration of previously unregistered properties.
Maps for the First Registration of properties with the land registry which were previously recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
Deed of rectifications, i.e. repair errors in the land registry map.
Maps for Rights-of-Way and/or Wayleaves
Agricultural or industrial Lease Maps.
All of our maps are Ordnance Survey Ireland osi land registry compliant maps
A land registry compliant map costs €149 (certified, suitable for registration)
Land registry compliant map for apartments costs €460 (certified, suitable for registration)
Land registry compliant map scale are 1:1000 or 1:2,500
Land Registry Compliant Map
Marked up maps for first registration and sub-division are available with prices starting at €149. Land Registry data overlay is included.
The map will issue by post and in pdf format. We also provide a copy of all maps with detailed aerial photography as standard.
Lease Map for Apartments
Land Registry Maps for houses or apartments are based on a single A3 Map @ 1:1000 scale. Apartments require a floor plan with the apartment identified and outlined. The building must be outlined in red on a land registry compliant map. Prices start from €360 for the provision of both maps and depend on the availability of floor plans. We provide a fast turnaround and can delivery maps within 48 hours.
Right-of-Way & Easements
Right of Way Registration with the Land Registry is a legal requirement if you wish to maintain access to your land through land owned by others.
You can register: Rights of Way, Wayleaves, Pipes, Wells, Septic Tanks etc.
The process is simple and Property Maps Ireland can help you with the required forms and the maps.