- Create h&r block account, is a tax preparation firm based in the United States that also has offices in Canada and Australia.
Forgot username or password |
If you have forgotten your username or password, you have to visit, then click on the ‘Forgot username/password’ button. After that on the connecting page, you have to enter your valid email ID. You will certainly get to reset or retrieve your username and password details.
Check your Tax Refund for E-file & Federal Online
Go to the official website
Now here you will see a "Check My Tax Refunds" option.
Click on the same.
You will be redirected to a new window where you have to enter details like Last Name, BOD, and SSN
How did you file your Tax
After entering all the above-mentioned details
Click on the " Check Refund Status" button and you will get all the details.
How to create h&r block account?
Go to their official site at
Choose My Account login in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Click on create an account if you are a new user.
Enter your valid email, Username, and Password.
Then complete all step.
How do I sign up for H&R Block?
Go to their official site at
Choose My Account login in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Click on sign-in on my account if you have already an account
The login page will ask you to enter your username and password
After entering your username and password, click on the sign-in button
If you forgot your username or password then click on Forgot username/password? link