Yoshiki Kinoshita

Position and Affiliation


Department of Information Sciences

Faculty of Science

Kanagawa University

Postal address

2946 Tsuchiya



259-1293 JAPAN


yoshiki atmark kanagawa-u dot ac dot jp


Education & Degree:

1981 Bachelor of Science, Department of Information Science, The University of Tokyo

1989 Ph.D, Department of Information Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Professional career:

April 1981 Texas Instruments Japan Limited (till March 1983)

April 1989 Research Scientist, Language Systems Section, Electrotechnocal Laboratory (ETL)

September 1991 Senior Research Scientist, Language Systems Section, Electrotechnocal Laboratory (ETL)

April 2001 Senior Research Scientist, Collaborative Research Team (C.R.T.) of Informatics, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

April 2002 Leader, Information Science Research Group, C.R.T. of Informatics, AIST

April 2003 Director, Laboratory for Verification and Semantics (LVS), AIST

April 2004 Director, Research Center for Verification and Semantics (CVS), AIST

April 2011 Principal Research Scientist, Research Institute for Information Technology, AIST

April 2012 Principal Research Scientist, Research Institute for Secure Systems, AIST

April 2013 Professor, Dept. of Information Sciences, Kanagawa University


Japanese Society for Software Science and Technology

International Society for Mathematical Sciences

Information Processing Society of Japan


  • Programming semantics

  • Verification

  • Assurance cases and validation

List of publications

List of publications

``A relation algebraic semantics of reversible loop programs'' slides (pdf) (2007.7.3 JSSST DSW2007 talk)

Projects in progress

    • Formal assurance case Framework for Open systems dependability (FFO) (RISE project funded by IPA, Information Processing Agency).

Past projects

    • Study on user-oriented dependability (CREST project funded by JST)