HP Printer Drivers | Download & Install HP Printer Drivers Software

HP Printer Drivers

Download HP Printer Drivers Software from HP Printer Drivers


Download HP Printer Drivers

HP Printer Drivers Setup ensures that your Computer is now equipped with the capacity to communicate with your Printer. This process involves downloading the latest version of Drivers as per your Printer’s Model Number. Subsequently, the downloaded software must be installed properly.

How to Download HP Printer Drivers

    1. Open a Web Browser on your Windows Device.
    2. Then, use it to launch.123.hp.com/setup This is HP’s official website meant for HP Printer Drivers.
    3. Search your Printer by entering it’s Model Number in the given “Search Bar”. Make sure to click on the “Search” button after entering the details in order to get the desired Search Results.
    4. Finally, click on the “Download” button and get started with the Downloading process.

Install HP Printer Drivers

The Installation process varies slightly with different OS on your Computer. Make sure that you are following the correct set of instructions for your OS.

For Windows

    1. Locate HP Printer Drivers downloaded during the last step.
    2. Double-click on it and get access to its Installer.
    3. Click “Run” followed by “Yes”.
    4. Thereafter, click “Continue” when you get its Welcome window.
    5. Select the “Customize Software Selection” option from the Software Selection window. Then, choose software for Installation and click “Next”.
    6. Read the License Agreement attentively. Then, tick mark the “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” checkbox.
    7. Click “Next” and move ahead.
    8. This will begin Installation. Hence, wait for the same.
    9. On the Installation Completion window, click “Next”.
    10. Thereafter, choose either Wired or Wireless as your Network Connection option.
    11. Then, complete the Setup as instructed by the Installer.
    12. Subsequently, Name your Printer, Add Device and run a Test Print.
    13. At last, click “Finish” and Restart your Computer.

For Mac

      1. Locate HP Printer Drivers downloaded during the last step.
      2. Right-click on it and select “Open”.
      3. Select “Open” once again on the following window.
      4. Read the “End User License Agreement” and “Privacy Statement” attentively. Then, tick mark the respective checkboxes.
      5. Click “Continue” and move ahead.
      6. Turn On your HP Printer as instructed.
      7. Confirm that your Printer and Computer are hooked to the same Network.
      8. If that is not the case. Then, click “Yes’ when prompted for “Restoring Printer’s Network Settings”. Else, you can click “No” and skip this step.
      9. Complete the Network Connection process.
      10. Then, choose the software that you want on your system.
      11. Finally, click “Install”.
      12. Make sure to type in your Mac Admin’s Login Credentials accurately when prompted. Then, click “OK”.
      13. Click “Continue” and Install the Drivers on your system.
      14. Restart your Computer once the process finishes.