Human Body Systems

Human Body Systems (HBS) is the second course in the Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science program. HBS builds on the foundation laid down in Principles of Biomedical Science (PBS). Students examine the interactions of human body systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection and homeostasis. Exploring science in action, students build organs and tissues on a skeletal Maniken® model; use data acquisition software to monitor body functions such as muscle movement, reflex and voluntary action, and respiration; and take on the roles of biomedical professionals to solve real-world medical cases.

Cuozzo 2023-24 Course Syllabus

Working with the same equipment and tools used by lab professionals, PLTW Biomedical Science students are empowered to explore and find solutions to some of today’s most pressing medical challenges. Through scaffolded activities that connect learning to life, students step into the roles of biomedical science professionals and investigate topics including human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. Students work together in teams to find unique solutions, and in the process, learn in-demand, transferable skills like critical thinking and communication.