Shepton High School Library 

Leslie LaMastus, Library Media Specialist

About Our Library

The Shepton Library maintains a collection of more than 15,000 books,  magazines, audiobooks, e-books, electronic resources, and professional materials. Students may visit the library for a wide variety of reasons such as studying, computer usage, project collaboration, research, or book checkout. The library also houses a green screen room for video projects and a makerspace area with special activities provided during block lunches most every Friday. The library staff is available to assist students with reading suggestions, research strategies, computer or printing needs, and online library resources. Library hours are Monday-Friday from 8:15 to 4:30. We are periodically closed for meetings on some days.

Check-Out Procedures & Overdue Books

Students may check-out up to three books at a time for a period of three weeks.  Books may be rechecked for another three weeks as long as the book is not on hold by another student. The maximum length for student check-out is six weeks. The library will run overdue notices every few weeks and deliver them through the English or Reading classes. In addition, parents will receive periodic automated calls to alert them if their student has an overdue item. Students are not charged fines for overdue materials, but are expected to return them on time. Exact due dates are stamped on the inside cover of each book. 

Other Services

Students may print up to 5 color or black and white copies using one of our library computers. Anything over 5 copies, needs to be printed in the classroom. 

General information

Library hours: 8:15-4:30

Library Media Specialist, Leslie LaMastus

Library Assistant, Jennifer Taylor

Campus Technology, Monica Heredia-Aranza

**Click Below for Library Policies