Selection Criteria 

To be eligible for membership in the HSES Chapter of the National Honor Society, a student must 

1) be a current student in the 10th, 11th or 12th grades and 

2) make honor roll in TWO quarters in a row and

3) have a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.3 or above and 

4) provide documentation (1 event) which supports his/her participation in either school or out-of-school community service starting from his/her 9th grade year. 

* The unweighted GPA is calculated in the middle of and the end of the induction year for ALL subjects.

* A student can apply at the beginning of the school year (based on 3rd and 4th quarter grades from previous school year) or after the second quarter (based on 1st and 2nd quarter grades from the current school year), or after the third quarter (based  on the 2nd and 3rd quarters grades from the current school year)

* The deadline to apply is the 10th school day after the report card is distributed in that marking period. 

A 5-faculty council will review each candidate’s portfolio for final selection. A student, who meets all requirements for membership at the end of the 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter and the beginning of the next school year, will be accepted and be allowed to participate in all NHS activities pending the yearly induction.

Once accepted, all NHS members are expected to consistently exhibit outstanding qualities in ACADEMIC, COMMUNITY SERVICE, CHARACTER and LEADERSHIP. If a member falls below the standard, he/she is allowed one marking period to bring it up. If not, he/she will go through a series of disciplinary procedures before he/she is dismissed. Once a member is dismissed, he/she may not be readmitted into NHS.