Welcome to Room 305!

What is STEAM class??




Everyone aboard the PES STEAM Train!

Kindergarten through fifth grade students will come to the STEAM Lab where Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math come together. All that is required is curiosity as students use their critical thinking skills to problem solve and answer questions, often building models and working collaboratively. STEAM is where students get to do what scientists do: Observe, Wonder, Investigate, Collect Data, and Make Sense of their Findings. The curriculum is project-based, with the Next Generation Science Standards are the foundation for minds-on, engaging learning that will enhance what the students are being taught in their regular education classrooms, allowing them additional time to explore and come to a deeper understanding of concepts in Physical Science, Earth Science, and Life Science.

Follow our class on Twitter @beckteach

Email me at rcummings@pelhamsd.org