Plymouth Canton Invitational 2/3/2024

Welcome to the website for the Plymouth Canton Invitational, happening on February 3rd, 2024 at Salem High School!

General Information

The tournament is at Salem High School, which is located at 46181 Joy Rd, Canton, MI, 48187. There is a large parking lot available on the east end of the building (closest to the intersection of Joy Road and Canton Center Road). Enter the building through the doors nearest the parking lot. There is a ramp there and at the front entrance. The table to check in will be outside of the cafeteria, which will be straight ahead, past the stairs, on your left from the entrance by the parking lot (there will be signs to help direct you). We'll have an envelope for you with schedules, a school map, and other helpful information. Doors will open at 7:30am.


There will be a concession stand available throughout the day in front of the cafeteria.  We will not be offering pizza orders for lunch this year.


The schedule has been emailed to the coaches, and is posted in the schedule tab above. We will also have a copy of the schedule in your envelope at registration on tournament day. Events start at 9 am and end at 2:50pm.

Self Schedule Events

Self scheduling will open Wednesday, January 24 at 5pm and will close Wednesday, January 31 at 5pm.  Self scheduling this year will be done through Avogadro:  Make sure that you have an account set up prior to the 24th!  All teams will need to enter team rosters before they can self schedule.  Please get your account set up ASAP.

Event Tests and Answer Keys

Don't forget to email your tests and answer keys to no later than Friday, January 26th. If you have special requirements or reminders for the students in your event (will they need lab equipment/will it be a dry lab, anything specific they need to bring, etc), please let me know so that I can email coaches ahead of the tournament. If you are running a Building event, please make sure that you have everything you need to run the event. It is extremely important that any of your event needs (specific room set up, tables, etc) be communicated well in advance, as obtaining things the morning of the competition will be extremely difficult.

After the tournament, all coaches will receive electronic access to tests and answer keys. Your team will also receive an envelope of their completed tests at the end of the day.

Chem Lab is a dry lab.  Forensics WILL be doing a lab.  Forestry is using the National list.

Team Numbers!

Please, please, PLEASE make sure that your students know their team number AND color/team name. 

Team Camps

See schedule page.  They have also been emailed to the coaches.

Gym Height (for Flight) - approximately 25 feet

Questions?   Contact us at or Jenny Banach at (734)788-7618