First Grade 2023-2024

Don't Trash Our State...

Put Litter in It's Place

We worked together to take a stand on keeping Massachusetts clean.

Our class made a promise to GO GREEN! We have promised to tun off lights when not in a room, pick up trash, recycle paper and plastic in our classroom , not waste water when we are brushing our teeth, just to name a few ways we can help Earth.

Junk-It Creations made from household trash!

We drew pictures of what some of our staff members might look like at 100 years old. Looking Good at 100!

Hats off to 100s Day!

The annual reading of the Polar Express by Mr. P! Thank you to our PTO for providing us with bells and treats to complete our journey!

Our talented first grade singers performed for two enthusiastic audiences. Kudos to Yuwa for setting the stage for the crowd favorite, Polar Puppy!

Students were challenged to build rafts to get their gingerbread people across the river.

With tape and straws each design was a success. No gingerbread person got wet!

A wonderful herd of reindeer watched over us this season!

Thank you for being our 


Our friendly flock of Turkeys are all dressed up for Thanksgiving!

TRICK OR TREAT 🎃  Check out our fancy feet!  Thank you Charlotte!

We pumped up our curriculum with a week of pumpkin activities!

We learned how pumpkins grow from a seed to a plant. We carved and counted the seeds in one pumpkin (342!) and then sampled roasted seeds the next day. We made some hypotheses as to whether our pumpkins and a variety of fruits and vegetables could float. Ask your child why some fruits were able to float while others sank! We did some writing centered on our own pumpkins and capped off the week with decorating our gourds. 

We began our year by reading the book The Pigeon HAS to Go to School  by Mo Willems. The book addresses the anxieties children can feel about going to school heard through a pigeon's perspective. We discussed what we were nervous about and also what we hoped to learn in first grade this year. We all made our own unique pigeons and as seen in the photo.

   Each student in our class will have the opportunity to be our Lucky Duck (Student of the Week). Each week one student will be featured on a bulletin board in our classroom. 

   We will read/share one of the student’s favorite books with the class. Lucky Duck assists me and is our line leader who will lead us to recess, lunch, and any other special class/program we may have.

   The Lucky Duck is allowed to have our mascot (a small stuffed duck) sit on his/her desk for the week. A small rubber duck is given to our recipient to keep in memory of their special week.  Each student contributes a page in a book that is presented to our Lucky Duck at the end of their special week.

Our Specialist Schedule      Daily 2:15 - 3:00 pm

Monday~ Music

Tuesday ~ Phys Ed

Wednesday ~ Mindfulness

Thursday ~ Art

Friday ~ Library/Computer

 I am looking forward to a wonderful year with your child. Parent communication and involvement is a key element in running a successful classroom. If you have any concerns throughout the year, please send me a note, email me at, or call our school at 508.987.6057 

A homework folder has been provided to organize and transport important papers from school to home and back. If homework is required during the week, it will be included inside this folder and must be returned the next school day. I will check the folders each morning. Please make sure that you check them each afternoon for important papers and notices.