Summer Operations Set-Up
Once your summer site code for Aeries has been assigned, your site's Summer Operations Set-Up sheet will be posted to this page. You should:
Sign up with Julie for a Summer Operations Set-up Workshop: Elementary with Peter/Julie (coming soon)
You can start working on your your parameters as soon as your sheet is shared with you. Use the Summer Ops Planning Guide as a reference. The parameters will be approved and locked during this mandatory support session.
You will have a 25-minute remote session to have your plan reviewed and approved.
Space is limited so we can provide individual attention and add you to the virtual meeting.
You may bring a counselor or other master schedule lead, but please note this on your sign-up so they can be invited.
If everything has been entered correctly and there are no concerns, it shouldn't take long to be approved ~ and you can be on your way!
If you haven't entered all the information or if there are concerns, plan to notify us that you have finished by April 29th so everything can be corrected and approved.
Start entering your Operations Set-Up parameters.
They must be completed and approved by April 28th.
Remember to complete both "The Basics" tab and the "Operational Plan" tab.
You will need:
Names, as in Escape: Attendance Clerk, Master Schedule Lead, Teachers
Bell Schedule (required for Positive Attendance sites, but good for planning at all sites)
Master Schedule structure
Contact Diane Brenum/Steve Mason if you'd like to have a secondary master schedule consultation before your workshop.
After your Summer Operations Set-Up has been approved:
Submit an Aeries Security Authorization Form for yourself, your attendance clerk, and your master schedule lead.
Be sure to list each summer site code to which you and they will need access.
Have the Secondary Master Schedule lead sign up for a master schedule workshop. Secondary Summer Master Schedule Workshops Sign-Up Sheet 2024
Have the Elementary Master Schedule Lead drop in to a summer elementary master schedule workshop.
Have the Summer Attendance Specialist (all grade levels) drop in to a summer attendance training.
Attendance Specialist Training May 30th 1:00 - 3:00 Zoom Link here
Complete student groupings/class lists and provide them to the master schedule lead by May 26th.
Submit a Summer Operations Set-Up Change Request(will go live after April 30) if post-approval changes are desired.