K-5 Reading Specialist

Cathy Murphy

The goal of the Reading Success Room is to develop and grow a love for reading in all students! We want students to love reading, whatever their level or ability, and to value the enjoyment they receive when reading a good book!

Contact Info: Cathy Murphy at cmurphy@onysd.wednet.edu

360-978-4111 Extension 2224

Welcome to the 2022-23 Reading Room

The Reading Success Room supports Kindergarten through 5th grade students and classroom teachers in reading instruction at Onalaska Elementary School. We are excited to see students improve in their reading skills and strategies. We celebrate improvement for each student with regular progress monitoring assessment.

8:00-8:15 Elementary Door Greeter

8:35-9:25 1st Grade

9:30-10:00 Kindergarten

10:00-10:30 Assessment

10:30-11:30 2nd Grade

11:30-12:00 Lunch

12:00-12:50 4th Grade

12:50-1:30 3rd Grade

1:30-2:10 5th Grade

2:10-2:50 Prep